June 12, 2012

Character Studies Second Part

Hi! Here the second –and final- part of the character studies! Hope everything’s clear.

Best, Woutje

Serena Joy
The Commander’s Wife Serena Joy used to be a Gospel star and homemaking advocate. She used to speech about women who must stay at home, looking after their household and children. Now she’s a bitter woman, spending her days knitting or walking through her garden. She’s unhappy, which causes her to take out her frustrations on Offred. Even though, Serena Joy has no problem asking the narrator to betray the Commander and break the law by having sex with Nick, to increase the chance of getting the narrator pregnant. This way she’ll get rid of the Handmaid, and have a child to raise.

The gardener and chauffeur of the household, and the Commander’s Guardian. He becomes the sign of the Commander, for when the narrator is supposed to visit the Commander in the evening. The narrator is interested in his mysterious personality throughout the novel, and they start an affair after Serena Joy sets them up once to get the narrator pregnant.
She wants to be with Nick, and suggests an atmosphere of love between her and Nick. When the men in the black van come to get her, Nick tells her that it’s ok, that she should go, trust him.

Luke is the narrator’s husband from the time ‘before’. He only exists in the narrator’s past. She wants to remember him, but also feels like she should let him go to live on. Throughout the novel she keeps a deep love for him. Luke  has been married before, and while he and the other woman were still in a relationship, the narrator and Luke became romantic. They tried to escape to Canada with their daughter when the Republic of Gilead came to power, but failed.

Aunt Lydia
In the Red Center, Aunt Lydia was the voice of the Republic of Gilead. It’s her voice the narrator hears over and over explaining rules and consequences of this new society. They show the manipulation and brainwashing of the Center. Aunt Lydia pleads with the Handmaids, manipulating them into feeling compassion for the Wives. Later, the narrator sees Aunt Lydia at a Salvaging, presiding over the scene.

Ofglen was the Handmaid’s partner when walking through the city to shop groceries. She introduced the narrator to the ‘Mayday’ underground group, and is a new source of information for the narrator. Near the end of the novel, Ofglen is replaced, and as we later hear, she hung herself as she saw the black van of the  Eyes approaching.

In the Red Center, Janine was a woman which the narrator already knew from her past. Her ‘Gilead-name’ is Ofwarren. She is the first woman we know in the novel to become pregnant and the first one to have a child; an Unbaby. There were rumours that Janine’s doctor fathered the child, a thought that also jumped into the narrator’s head. Janine is always obeying the Republic of Gilead and its demands, endearing herself to the Aunts. In a former life, she used to be a waitress. 

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